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Monday, June 29, 2009

How To Optimize A Keyword To Dominate A Top Ranking

If you want to drive targeted traffic to your website, you need to research many keyword phrases. Search engines are powerful machines to generate targeted traffic to your website. Why is your website not visited by potential visitors? So finding the proper keywords are very important for your business. There are high volume searches for certain keywords that equal traffic. If you optimize your website for a keyword phrase and you have good chance to get top ranking on Google and other search engines for the keyword, then your website get targeted traffic. If you choose proper keyword, the traffic is enough to convert to sales for your product or service.

There are step by step doing search engine optimization (SEO) for a profitable keyword in order to grab the spot on search engines:

1. Researching Profitable Keywords

The most important task of SEO is choosing the proper keyword phrases. You must discover what other people are looking for product or service when they are on a search engine. Starting your optimization task with researching keyword tools. The tools I highly recommend are Wordtracker, AdWords?s Tool and Keyword Discovery. The Adwords is totally free for researching. Both Wordtracker and Keyword Discovery provide both free option and paid option. These tools can help you to research the keywords for your product or service. To find more accurate data, I usually use two or three tools together in the same time. This way can helps you define your market better.

Please be aware, choosing the keyword is very time consumsing and a bit difficult. Identifying profitable keywords is a bit difficult task. However, the keywords can help you to make sales on the internet for what you promote. So you need to persistently research the keywords for your long term business.

2. Creating Your Own Website

After keyword researching, you need to choose a domain which targets to the keyword that you want to use. Make sure don?t include dashed in the domain name. For a website, I highly recommend you put the keyword to title, description and meta tags of HTML code. This way lets search engines to know about your website.

You will have a website with the optimized keyword. You need to put the keyword to a content many times, but make sure to don?t abuse it. Then add the content that contain the keyword to your website. Make sure to have at least 300 words in a good content. Search engines robots will crawl your website, they definitely be index your content with the optimized keyword. For example, ?golf cart accessory? keyword, I will place it to the content in many times.

3. Generate Backlinks To Your Website

Backlinks is one of most important factors to dominating a top ranking on search engines. Without it, you are unable to grab the top ranking. The number and quality of backlinks are important for grabbing a top ranking. To get it, you website can take hundreds or even thousands of good backlinks in many days or many months. It depends on a keyword you choose.

Make sure to put a keyword which you choose to other websites as anchor text. This way helps you to let search engines about your website. There are good ways to gain backlinks: article submission, link exchanges, web directory submission, forum postings, social bookmarking and blogging.
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Traffic Buildings ? Top Ten

Traffic building for your website is a primary directive. Without traffic you have no potential for a conversion rate of any measure.

If you can agree with me that traffic building is important, do you know how to go about improving your site traffic?

If not, let?s take a look at ten rudimentary marketing tips that can result in more visits, more customers and a greater income.

1) SEO. These three letters stand for Search Engine Optimization. SEO is a skill set designed to help you construct your website to appeal to the automation that reviews your site for determining site rankings in a search engine. If you don?t pay attention to SEO you may not find your website ranked well.

2) PPC. This strategy is also known as Pay Per Click. This is an advertising strategy designed to encourage people to visit your site via a third party site that features products, services or content that relates to your website.

3) Email marketing. By developing a list of email contacts that have expressed an interest in your website and/or product you can send periodic emails that encourage them to visit your website for new offers or freebies.

4) Blogging. Individuals and businesses use this as a way to keep site visitors informed of industry related news in a very personal format. Blogs encourage visitors to drop by your main site and promote traffic-building objectives.

5) Forums. These are online bulletin boards where interactive conversations are encouraged. In virtually all situations links to your primary business can be included in something called you ?signature? and can further enhance traffic to your online location.

6) Podcasting. When you develop an audio program that can be downloaded through your site this is known as podcasting. Many consumers are interested in audio downloads like a podcast that can either entertain or inform. This strategy can keep customers coming back for more.

7) RSS. This service provides customers with a notification when you ad new content to your site. The three letters stand for Real Simple Syndication and allows you to syndicate or distribute your content to subscribers.

8) Social media. Examples of this service would include sites like MySpace or FaceBook and allows you to connect with a wider group of individuals. You can post web links that will draw others to your primary website.

9) Search engine marketing. Like PPC this strategy is advertising based and requires payment for advertising use and click throughs. Using this method can allow your website to appear in an advertising section of various keyword search terms when individuals use a search engine to locate businesses like yours.

10) Video streaming. When you incorporate video into your site you may find that individuals may come either for the entertainment value or for the information it can provide. The effects of this tip can be enhanced when you add RSS to all new video streaming files you add to your website.

Make SEO your starting point in traffic building and then work on mastering as many of the other nine skills as possible.
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How to Improve Website Traffic

There are 3 main ways to improve website traffic. They are: Visibility, accessibility, maintenance. Each of these brings something to the tally, but when combined, they provide a website owner with about the best net he can cast in the world of potential site visitors.

How do these aspects work and how do they work together to improve website traffic? Well, it all rests upon a simple premise:

A website doesn't exist suspended in a vacuum. Websites are part of a dynamic and trend-changing world. The biggest mistake site owners make is that they leave the site to fend off for itself once they have created it.

How is this bad? Look at it this way.

Sites need to be visible, accessible, and well maintained. And most important, a website needs traffic to make sales. By not updating your site and by leaving it to 'die' a slow death in the back alleys of cyberspace, you aren't doing anything to improve website traffic and to help your site survive.

Your site needs to be visible in search engine pages; it needs to be easily accessed; and it needs to be maintained to provide a contributive experience for the visitor.

Think of it as a garden. If you don't prune and weed (i.e., maintenance), the road to the garden will be overgrown and no one will be able to get into the garden (i.e., accessibility).

Once your entry path has disappeared behind a maze of plants and weeds, nobody will even see it and everyone will bypass it without even knowing it is there (visibility).

With these 3 aspects in mind, here are a few tips and pointers as to how you can maintain the accessibility and visibility of your website in cyberspace and improve website traffic to make sure that you are getting traffic and visitors regularly.

- Keywords
Choosing the correct keywords are vital in order to improve website traffic. It pays to choose keywords carefully, because it is based on those same keywords that your site may or may not come up listed in a search engine page.

Figure out which keywords are best associated with your website. You also need to think of how people may think of your site, and thus decide which keywords they are most apt to use.

Next, run the keywords in a search engine to decide if they are good or not (based on the results you get). Find out the ones that are most relevant and apply them to your website.

- Directories
A lot of people underestimate the traffic-sending power of Internet directories. While not as popular as search engines, this is a sure way to improve website traffic.

Furthermore, being listed in directories help to boost your search engine result placement, which will definitely improve website traffic.

- SEO optimization
There are many ways to make sure that your website is optimized for search engines, too many to be listed here as a matter of fact. But through properly optimizing your website you are sure to improve website traffic.

- Pages
Make sure your pages are good and ready to be viewed. This is as simple but many times overlooked way to improve website traffic. A good tip where pages are concerned is to title each page separately. Adding unique descriptions for each page also helps here, as then the site is not seen as a big bundle of same titled and described pages.

-Open Directory Project
The Open Directory Project is a place that a lot of people don't deign to pay attention to. However this can be a good way to improve website traffic by increasing your visibility.

- Yahoo directory
The Yahoo directory is another good directory that is sure to improve your website traffic. destination many surfers check, so being placed there is always good.

- PPC search engine advertising
If you are looking for traffic, then ppc advertising is a sure fire way to improve website traffic fast. Just make sure you study up a little about it before you jump in.

- Provide good content
People usually search for information. Try to satisfy this need and you could win much traffic. Aim for unique, relevant content.

- Update content regularly
Keep content fresh and always try to have something new, even if just a little tidbit, for your visitors. The search engines love fresh new content and the reward you with increased traffic to your website.

- Have a blog and update regularly
The easiest way to improve website traffic is to have a blog and to update it regularly. Making use of the RSS feed will also encourage people to remain in touch with your site and ultimately to come back again and again.

- Use appropriate keywords for images
If you are using graphics, make sure to label them with an appropriate keyword or name. A lot of people use Google images and an image can thus lead a visitor to your site. This is not a big traffic getter, but making use of every little thing will definitely improve website traffic.

- Check your pages on engines regularly
Do a check on yourself periodically. This way you will know if viewers are getting the same thing you are trying to convey.

- Banner ads optimize traffic
Many people see banner advertising as dead, but not so. The biggest hurdle is that most website owners don't know how to devise a good banner. Many wise marketers are still using banner ads to effectively improve website traffic.

- Build a list
Once you get someone to visit your site, try to ensure that the visitor comes back again in the future. You can do this by collecting the visitors name and email address so you can stay in touch and send them future offers. This is one of the most effective ways to not only improve website traffic, but also to maximize your imcome.

- Link exchange
Exchange links for more visibility, gain credibility and naturally to improve your website traffic.

- Email signatures
Make use of your email signature to spread the word about your site. It is also a very good opportunity to brand yourself, giving people a glimpse of what they'd see at your site.

- Write articles
Another way to improve website traffic is to write and submit newsletters and articles. These will always provide you with a way of linking back to your site as well as a window where you can promote your website in a nutshell.

- Press Releases
Many webmasters still have not figured out the importance of press releases and how they can improve website traffic. By writing one or two effective press releases per month you can definitely improve your websites visibility in ways that you just cannot accomplish otherwise.

Keep in mind, you can't just build a site and walk away. Traffic is necessary for sales and these are all very effective ways to improve website traffic. Naturally, the more you do the more results you will see.
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A Review of the Content Composer White Hat Content Generation Software

In the last few years getting traffic to your website has become more difficult. There are many new techniques being used to generate traffic to websites. Some of these techniques are what is called 'Black Hat' techniques. These techniques are frowned upon by the search engines. They also only produce limited time traffic and could possible have you banned from websites were you are posting the articles. If you are looking to generate traffic to your website then you need to find ýWhite Hatý techniques that really work.

If you have been writing the articles for your website yourself or even using a ghostwriter for your website content then you realize the time and money this type of technique takes. You can reduce the time and money spent on quality website content by using content composer software to get the same job done. In the time it takes for you to write one article you could have 27 articles. The same goes for the cost of one article written by a ghostwriter could be rewarded with 27 articles. There are no easy ways to get traffic flow to your website but once you have put in the work you should make the most of that work.

Article spinner software just does not work. What does is takes one article and turns it into a hundred articles. It is like having a person take a thesaurus and replaces your words with words that do not have the same meanings. You end up with articles that make no sense. This is not a good option to great quality articles for your website. The other option is to create original articles for your website. This can be very time consuming and is not worth the time it takes to create genuine articles.

Content composer will use white hat techniques to generate traffic to your website. In years past marketers have tried all sorts of short cuts to drive business to their websites. The bad guys those using the black hat techniques are finding being bad never pays. Search engines are catching on to these black hat techniques and are blocking those who are using the black hat tricks. The good guys really do always win in the end. Those who have stuck to the white hat techniques are winning in the end. Google and other search engines are awarding these good guys with top pages on their search engines.

Content Composer will get you to these search engines top pages with a little hard work but great rewards. There is no easy fix to generate traffic to a website. Only the white hat tricks are safe to use and will give your the long lasting results that your Internet business is looking for. You want to generate quality content that will have an impact on your websites search ability. This software will help you generate the traffic to your website only using white hat techniques and it will make your efforts more rewarding in quick and easy steps.
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10 Tips For Web Success

The webmaster's biggest job is to get their traffic up and keep customers/visitors coming back. Building the site is one thing, but simply building and posting a website does not guarantee traffic. In fact, a website could be beautiful and an example of all the latest technology and still not attract a single visitor if not promoted correctly. Here are 10 tips to guide you to success with your website.

(1) The internet is a new medium. At least compared to print, it is. A website is a waste if it simply re-hashes something which could easily be put into print. Don't have the site be just an online brochure. Put up features which take advantage of the internet as a medium of communication. Filter information for them. Provide search capability. Provide interactivity with features like forums, quizzes and tools. Web visitors like to interact.

(2) Treat the Customer's Time as Valuable. When a person visits your website, you have their attention for that point in time. You either need to use it or you will lose it - fast. Most visitors have short attention spans, what you need to design your site homepage so that it grabs their attention and provides what they are looking for right away. Its like walking into a restaurant. If you walk in and just stand there and nobody comes to greet you, you might wonder what is happening. But, if the hostess comes and greets you right away and walks you to a table, then you will be there for awhile and eat. The same analogy goes for websites. Don't overcomplicate your website homepage. Best results will be obtained if you make it very clear where to click to find what they need.

(3) Design the site for customers, not the company. Your site needs to satisfy the needs of customers, not the company. So, don't post content which is not really useful to the site's customer. And avoid over-flattering marketing hype about the company. It inflates the ego of the company more than it helps your customer.

(4) Involve the Visitor. Keep the visitor involved and make them feel like a valuable contributor. Actively ask for the feedback and suggestions. Ask for communication from your visitors and answer that communication swiftly. When getting that communication, capture their email address. This will allow you to communicate with them long after they have moved on and forgotten about you.

(5) Keep it Current. You need to have content on your website which is timely and relevant to the customer's life. Posting month-old news is not interesting. Posting dry product information which never changes is not interesting. Yes, you need to have product information and other information on your site that won't change much, but you can also post more timely content. You can, for example, post content about how your products can be used in certain situations in life. Provide tips and techniques - things which are immediately applicable and solve a problem.

(6) Pay Attention to Form/Design. Some sites simply over-do it on the eye-candy. Big graphics just for the sake of graphics often impress the site's designer more than the visitor. Do not use graphics that are large and purposeless. Remember, some visitors may still be accessing your website via dial-up. Your site needs to load up quickly for all users. A slow website will cause your users to leave quickly. Also, pay attention to graphic and design size. Many web designers operate on fairly large screen resolutions and sometimes forget that even though a graphic looks great to you, it will appear enormous to somebody on a smaller resolution. On the flip side, don't go too light on graphics. A site which is poorly designed and using the default font and no color is not very aesthetically pleasing. Any web visitor, whether they admit it or not, judges your company by your website unless they have something else to go on. A well-designed site communicates professionalism. A poor design makes the site seem like an afterthought.

(7) Promote. When a visitor communicates to you via email, it is best to use a web form. not only will this keep your email address from being picked up by spammers, it will also allow you to ask your customers for their email address and then store that address for later use. Employ the "push/pull" marketing strategy. A visitor coming to your website is the pull, but later you want to push content back to them in the form of a newsletter or other promotional material. Start a mailing list and use it. Invite visitors to sign up. Promotion makes or breaks a business, and as long as you respect the ethical considerations of your mailing list, you should use it.

(8) Don't Operate in a Cocoon. The internet is a medium which is shared by millions. When you set up your website, don't operate as if you are a self-contained island. Get out there and keep in tune with what is happening on other websites related to your own. Participate in forums. Post links to other websites and ask for a link in return. Form partnerships with other sites if it is appropriate. When it comes to communication, people like personal contacts. Hiding behind general email address like "sales" and "info" is OK as long as there is a way to also email you directly. A company site which allows email direct to the management is good. Just remember how much you hate calling a company and getting stuck in their phone system. Sometimes you just want to talk to somebody. Give your visitors that ability.

(9) Have a Plan to Attract Repeat Traffic. Use newsletters, out-going email, contests, forums, clubs, auctions - anything that will cause people to return to your website. When posting links to other websites, don't just send your visitors somewhere else. They may never return. Provide them an exit page. Give them a pop-up when they try to leave your site. Or at the very least make external links open in a new window.

(10) Track Your Visitors Pay attention to your site's statistics and react accordingly. What are people reading? How are they finding you? Do they just come and leave right from your homepage? How long as they are on your website? Do they return? This data is immensely valuable in fine-tuning your website based on customer needs and wants. Remember, the biggest mistake of any webmaster is designing the site for what THEY want. A successful website is designed for the target audience, not to impress the site's owner.

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Website Promotion Help Guide to Highly Increase Website Traffic

Hot tips for aggressive website promotion help and stampede traffic building through various Internet marketing strategies. Web promotion and web site traffic strategies.

If you are an Internet Marketer, or a business that owns a website, then knowing how to promote your website or product online is crucial for web success. Knowing how to promote your website, build traffic and increase sales can make or break you in the online world. So how does one bring visitors to a website and increase sales? Below are website promotion and traffic building tips to shake things up on the web:

1. First and foremost, write articles to help promote your website. Article marketing is quite possibly the #1 way for bringing a targeted audience to your website. Article marketing also provides a strong SEO "Search Engine Optimization" benefit to your website that you are trying to promote. Put article marketing 1st on your list of promotional tactics. Submit your articles all over the web to various article websites.

2. Write press releases about your websites or products. Press releases are great because you are allowed to use promotional language throughout the body of the text. Again, you should always promote your press releases to as many websites as possible. The idea is to saturate the web with your information so visitors searching the web will find YOU! They also benefit you in terms of SEO as well.

3. Start a blog! Blogs are great way to share a product or a website with the world. Blogs gain ranking very quickly and are a great place to submit your articles and press releases too as well. Blogs should be updated daily or weekly and must be kept current to work well.

4. Make sure you use anchor text when at all possible using the keywords you want to rank for. Using anchor text will provide an SEO benefit and will let the search engines like Google, Yahoo or MSN know what your website is about.

5. When using anchor text, your article titles or anything else, make sure it is in a topic you can compete in. Instead of competing in terms like "Internet Marketing", compete in terms like "internet marketing website promotion software" These are called long-tail phrases that increase your chance in ranking well with the search engines. You will then become a bigger fish in a small pond... it's all about Niche Marketing right?

6. Read e-books, reports and any information you can find about search engine optimization, traffic building tips, website promotion help and guides and any other type of information that can help you promote better. New methods of website promotion are always becoming available.

7. Supplement your "organic" promotion with some "paid" promotion like pay-per-click advertising. Google Adwords and Yahoo Search Marketing are great ways to gain an additional stream of traffic to your website. Want to cut the cost down on your advertising? Promote products and show ads that may counter-act the cost of advertising.

These are 7 great ways to highly increasing your website traffic. Now the trick is to learn how to use these methods to in a manner which is most effective. Below are some great and free resources to get the most out of your website promotion. By learning, growing and staying on top of what is working, you can get the most out of your website promotion efforts.
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Secrets of Increased Website Traffic

Boost your traffic with insider tips. What are search engines looking for? In the beginning search engines were indeed very simple. It was all about keywords, now it is about so much more. Search engines got tired of being fooled by keyword stuffers.

Search engines have evolved over the years. Now it is much more difficult to fool those little spiders. If you want to achieve higher page rankings and get more traffic from the engines, give them what they are looking for "Real Content". Yes they are still looking for keywords, but don't over do it.

You can have just the right amount of keywords on a page. This is less than 1% of your main keyword for that page. For example, if your page had 200 words you should not use your main keyword for that page more than twice. Additionally, search engines will overlook pages with less than 125 words on it. They also give extra points if you use your main keyword in a text link.

Keep it real, search engines are looking for the most relevant content they can find about search term. Real information and lots of it, is like spider bait. Wiki the encyclopedia is a prime example of this. Have you ever wondered why Wiki shows up so often on so many searches? The answer is simple; they provide quality information and rank highly about many specific subjects.

Now that we understand the importance of content, it is equally important to understand the next biggie, human feed back. Yes, search engines have found a way to measure human reaction to your website. They measure how long a person stays at your site. The longer people stay, the better. If your site is crowded with advertising or flashing banners, more often than not, people leave in a hurry. If people find what they are looking for, they stay longer.

Human feedback is not limited to time spent however. The search engines want to see links. A link from a directory is a good link, because directories are human edited. It is in the best interest of the directory not to link to poor quality sites. If they accepted low quality sites, people would simply stop using their service.

So, directories are a good source of links. The more popular they are the more expensive they are, with the exception of DMOZ. The top directory, Yahoo, is the strongest link you can get and cost $299.00. But there are many that are quite reasonable and well respected directories to submit to.

Additionally, search engines are looking for out going links to other websites as well as inbound links coming from quality websites. More human feedback from other site owners is a stamp of approval. If you can achieve these things, the next step is turning your high traffic into profits.

In conclusion, Search Engines award traffic to those sites that make them look good to their advertisers. It is their job to provide the best quality and most relevant search results. If you give them what they want, you will get TRAFFIC!
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What to Do After Driving Traffic to Web Site

Getting website traffic is one thing, but knowing how to use that traffic is an entirely different thing. There are many ways that you can drive traffic to your website. However, after getting the traffic there, what you do next after driving traffic to web site is very important. Firstly, to get traffic to a site, you have many options:

? Buy Traffic ? This is where you pay for traffic and that traffic is directed to your website. Now, these could be in large numbers, but the problem here is that this traffic is not targeted, in fact, in most cases; they are not even interested in what you have to offer.

? Focus on Keyword Optimization ? Optimize your website for the best keywords searched on the Internet for your website, business, and products.

? Use other methods ? Such as, optimized articles, advertisements, forums and so on.

Getting traffic is not always hard; it is what you do with that traffic that you need to focus on. What strategies do you have in place to turn your traffic into buyers? You need to ask yourself, what strategies do I have to turn my traffic into repeat buyers?

One thing you need to remember in this world is that people enjoy getting stuff for free. So, why not offer your visitors the opportunity to sign up for a free report, eBook, or product? Offering free products is a great way to get your visitors hooked. When they sign up to receive your free offering, you will be able to get their mailing addresses. In other words, they are signing up to be on your mailing list at the same time.

What does this mean for you? Well, it could mean two things. Firstly, if you are offering a free product that is useful, informative, and solves a problem, then you are turning this traffic into potential customers. This is your eventual goal right? You want to make your visitors buyers. Of course, anything else that helps you do that is a bonus.

The second thing you want to do is turn your visitors into repeat buyers. How? Well, remember that mailing list of yours? This list can be used to let your visitors know about the different sales, promotions, new products, or events regarding your business. This turns visitors and buyers into repeat buyers. What could be better than this?

Even if you do not have anything free to offer, this is the best way to get what you want in the end. Also, you could still set up something new on your website to start building a mailing list. Every website should have a spot for people to sign up and receive a newsletter or special offers. If you do not include this, you could be missing out on a lot.

It is a proven fact that most visitors do not make a purchase on their first visit. If you are not getting their email addresses or enticing them in some other way, you could be missing out on potential sales. People need coaxing and they need to feel comfortable with a product before purchasing them. So, if you are sending letters out to everyone on your mailing list, completed with helpful information, tips, and products, you will eventually be able to sell them what you have on offer.
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Sunday, June 28, 2009

Twelve Quick Website Traffic Tips

With the tools available these days, it is easy to create a website. One of the biggest challenges for network marketers is how to generate quality website traffic traffic that will convert into sign ups and sales. This is the first of three articles on website traffic tips. This article discusses twelve quick website traffic tips for network marketers.
Whather you are trying to generate traffic for a replicated website or one you designed yourself, Start your website traffic building by setting your goal.
Setting realistic goals that you can achieve will help you plan and evaluate the effectiveness of your website traffic strategy.
Here are five quick website traffic tips:
1. Uodate yiur website daily. This requires patience & persistence. The more frequently you update your site, the more spiders visit your website.
2. Exchange links with other websites to increase your website traffic. Try to exchange 20 - 30 links with similar websites, or websites having good PageRank.
This will help in building links and will be help you get more website traffic. If your links are located in desireable positions it will drive traffic to both parties. The key in exchanging links is to find:
* Similar or Related websites * Website having good pagerank * Websites who offer to put your link in prime spots.
3. Lesser the links in your signature, more likely the person will click it.
4. Many forums have advertising boards where you can advertise your business for FREE. Write a catchy advertisement & post it there. Keep posting it 2-3 times a week, assuming you are not violating the forum rules You will get website traffic by consistently posting valuable content in forums.
5. To increase your website traffic, try to increase your post count, This will all help in building trust with other forum members.
6. Make friends in Forums , you can use your friendship to do link exchange and advertising and mutually help.
7. Add your websites to the following sources and reap benefits and get more website traffic Provide buttons or icons on your website so that users can quickly bookmark your site on these.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
8. Add the buttons to social bookmarking sites on your webpages. like, etc.
9. If you site has registration, Send account reminder emails to those who have not signed in after they registered.
10. Print out business cards with URL of your website. Even better make Stickers of your website URL stick it on your car , house or office. Believe it or not, this can also increase your website traffic.
11. Add a Link to your website in your email Signature. Every time someone clicks on the link, you can increase your website traffic.
12.Invest in a good domain name. You will be surprised how little you can get a good domain for. Just search on websites like , etc.
The more quality links that point to your site, the better. Use these techniques to get more website traffic.
Jon Roussel is a successful internet marketer in Beverly, MA He helps people succeed with a home based business that will generate a long term reliable leveraged residual income. Learn more a
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Ten Tips For Developing A Successful Linking Building Program

As you go about developing a strategy for increasing traffic to your Internet business website, you will want to keep in mind the ten tips for link building and best practice associate with link building. Through this article, you are provided with those ten top tips associated with link building and with the best practice in link building today. Of course, there are other tips and pointers that can be helpful to you. However, these basic tips will be fundamental to getting a solid inbound link building program in place.
1. Have a great website.
Before you start any sort of inbound link building program, make sure that your own website is as good -- as great -- as it can be. Make sure that you have an attractive, functional and user friendly website in place and in operation before you begin a link building campaign.
2. Link with high traffic websites.
When it comes to link building, look to link your website with other websites that already have high traffic. The net result, the end result of any link building campaign is to attract more traffic to your own site. And, you?ve a far better chance of doing this if you link with websites that do have high traffic.
3. Look for sites that invite links.
Some websites actually invite other sites to place links on their sites. Provided these websites meet your other criteria, consider linking up with sites that actually do want to place a link to your website on their venue.
4. Improve your search engine rankings independent of link building.
As you go about crafting a link building program, use other methods of increasing and improving you search engine rankings as well. You do not want to put all of your eggs into one basked. Moreover, some sites will be more apt to allow you to place a link on those sites if your own site rankings are solid.
5. Link only with quality sites.
Make sure that you only link with quality sites. A site that links to your site will reflect on your website -- and you want that reflection to be positive.
6. Make sure a linked site is relevant.
Make sure that any website that contains a link to your website is a website that is relevant to your own venue. A link to your site on an irrelevant site really will not be greatly helpful to you.
7. Check out how many quality inbound links a site already has in existence or in place.
Pay attention to how many quality inbound links a particular site you are considering placing a link on actually has at this time. Search engines sometimes do consider inbound links to a site that you are linking with when it comes to determining your own website search engine rankings.
8. Limit Reciprocal links.
Try as you can to limit reciprocal or other outbound links at your own website. You do not want people linking through to your own website only to link out again and go somewhere else. You want people to stay at your website long enough to buy your products or to engage your services.
9. Follow up in regard to inbound links with regularity.
Take the time to check on inbound links to your site from time to time to make sure that they are functional and to make certain that the websites at which these inbound links to your own website are locate continue to meet your needs and requirements.
10. Make sure your website information remains current.
Finally, make sure that the information and materials at your own website remains current and up to date. Make sure that your own website remains functional, in fine form and user friendly.
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Getting Traffic From Link Building And Article Submissions

Many webmasters who do internet marketing have no problem showing and teaching you how to place ads using overture and adwords but what they have a problem with is telling you how to get the targeted free visitors to your website, the reason for this is because free traffic takes much longer to accomplish than paid traffic and free traffic has a way of making people look more seriously at becoming buyers. Here are important tips you should follow to start getting targeted free traffic to your site.
1. To get a jumpstart one of the best ways to get some visitors is to join popular forums that relate to your themed site.
2. Write Articles and submit them to many article sites with links pointing back to your site.
3. Post your link on directories
4. Exchange links with other websites
5. Add content to your site every couple of days
Search engines are crazy for fresh content on practically every topic under the sun. You may have all the tools, and all the bells and whistles necessary to maintain the business, including a unique and interesting website, a follow up system in place, the best product anyone has ever seen, but without adding content visitors will have no reason to continuously visit your site.
Make no mistake though: highly targeted traffic is what we are talking about here, and the best way to achieve this nirvana of the internet world is to learn and implement the right marketing strategies from the start. You are now ready to step up your marketing efforts and want to use the World Wide Web to reach your potential market. The surge in popularity of Google?s Adwords is very evident as you can see many sites that have adopted this marketing strategy.
Everyone is yelling and screaming (with their links and ads) trying to get the attention of their market. What Google AdWords does is display relevant text based ads within its search engine results pages termed as "Sponsored Links".
Links to your page will count towards link reputation and link popularity. By getting one way links or exchanging links this helps your link popularity and helps your site move up in the search engine rankings.
When webmasters talk about generating traffic they are talking about getting targeted visitors to the website with a constant flow. Targeted traffic is visitors who are looking and actively searching for the product or service and are ready and willing to purchase or take action. When you receive targeted traffic it means that these are the visitors that want to look on the website and who searched for the information rather than visitors that are forced to show up at the site, the forced visitors are usually created from some type of traffic program. This type of traffic is far more profitable to you - your visitors are far more likely to purchase from you, simply because you have what they want.
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23 Powerful Marketing and Branding Tips Geared to Drive In More Traffic

23 Powerful Marketing and Branding Tips Geared to Drive In More Traffic and Revenue

1. Marketing 101: Develop a powerful and compelling core message. ?Say something, say it well, say it often.? Why should customers buy from you? Why should they even take a second glance? You need to build a powerful message that gets key points across without clutter ? because clutter is what leads to abandonment. Although this is the essence of a successful branding and marketing campaign, you?d be surprised how many companies fail to grasp this concept.

2. Make sure your core message is ?benefit oriented.? People don?t buy services or products, they buy the benefits of those services or products. In all your communications, make sure your message translates into specific benefits.

3. Make sure your initial message directs prospects toward a specific action. Your customers want to be told where to go to find the solutions they seek. This should be abundantly clear to all four major personality groups (Amiables, Drivers, Expressives, and Analyticals). When you invite customers to go somewhere to learn how to interact with your site and find out more about your company, you can greatly increase your potential for conversions.

4. Develop imagery that enhances your message and intrigues your target audience. The images on your site should enhance your message by being visually stimulating. Sometimes this may only be an aesthetic; other times it may involve ?timelining? imagery and content together to use space more effectively and get across a message in a more distinctive fashion.

5. Develop a unique value proposition (UVP). Sit down with a branding or marketing expert and define a UVP for your company as a reminder of your competitive advantages. Make sure these advantages are customer-centric, not business-centric.

6. Incorporate your UVP into all online and off-line media for brand consistency and saturation. Make sure your message constantly reiterates your competitive benefits and your UVP. You never know which aspect of your brand a prospect might respond to, so make sure the message is consistently broadcast in whatever media you use.

7. Tell customers what they want to hear, not what you want to tell them. We call this inside-out marketing. Too often, companies unknowingly focus on what they want to say, rather than what customers want to hear. An outside-in perspective with a true 360° view of your company from the customer?s viewpoint is best accomplished with the help of a qualified branding and marketing firm that can determine customers? attitudes, expectations, and requirements.

8. Build value ? not boredom. I leave this one to Napoleon Hill: ?It is as useless to try to sell a man something until you have first made him want to listen as it would be to command the earth to stop rotating? (Think and Grow Rich

9. Lead with a header and close with a call to action. Readers are much more likely to read your message, white papers, case studies, etc., if you pique their interest or curiosity through well-written headers, transition headers, body content, and calls to action that lead to the next step in a sales cycle. Visit marketing and brand development companies for details on building a sales-generating brand.

10. ?SCAN I AM.? Today?s readers don?t read, they scan. They scan for areas of interest, offers, links to relevant information, etc. So it is important to set up your text so that it can be quickly scanned. Online text is not linear like a book; it?s interactive to follow users? nonlinear demands.

11. Develop a branding ?blueprint? that ? shows clearly how you expect prospects to interact with your messages. This blueprint should start with an outline and show all paths from all forms of communication and how they lead to firm sales. Again, marketing and branding professionals can help develop a plan.

12. Evaluate your plan. Have others evaluate your plan. Re-evaluate and adjust. No plan is perfect, and any plan should be constantly adjusted to maximize its effectiveness. It is critical to continually audit your branding plan and all your marketing media.

13. Re-evaluate again.

14. Adjust your blueprint ? to adapt to the market, trends, technologies, customer demands, etc. Review quarterly. Every successful brand in the world is optimized regularly. Branding is an ongoing effort, not a one-time occurrence.

15. Use measurable tools to track prospect response. Use online forms and phone logs to track responses from prospects. Capturing information via legitimate means allows you to re-market to this customer base and to see which forms, programs, tools, and salespeople are getting the best results.

16. Build a list. Use online forms and phone logs to build an opt-in prospect list to serve as a powerful conversion tool. (See below.)

17. Re-market, re-market, re-market. A customer may need to see a message more than five times to even notice it once! Keep your marketing efforts going ? and going ?

18. Don?t forget referrals! Build a specific program to track, manage, and solicit referral business. We like e-mail campaigns and direct mail for this. Give us a call to discuss how to make these work for you: 703-968-6767.

19. Up-selling! Your existing customer base is your best source of more business. Develop a formidable plan to make sure your customers know what services you provide and that you keep your core and other related messages in front of your customers as often as possible. (It may take up to 10 forms of contact for a customer to identify with your brand) Remember, sell the benefits?not the service!

20. Use programs and tools to generate interest. People like simplicity and packages, offers, and deals that are easy to understand and evaluate. By creating various packages or free tools for prospects to interact with, you can stimulate interest that may have waned otherwise. (We offered a free ?ImageCheck? a few years ago that reviewed a Web site?s brand impact; it was very popular and led to lots of new business.)

21. Hit them from all angles! It?s called shotgun marketing. A shotgun shell contains hundreds of tiny lead balls, increasing your chance of hitting a target. Marketing is much the same ? the more media you use effectively, the better the chance that your message will be seen and remembered. There is no secret solution to marketing; it?s all about creating a total user experience across all platforms that projects your brand.

22. Use technologies and trends; they are your friends! Using various technologies such as online bookings, reservations, response forms, PDF downloads, Blogging, Wikis, internal search engines, and news feeds can have a dramatic effect on your overall brand identity and on your marketing strategy in general. There are too many benefits to go into here, but feel free to visit web design creative firms to learn more.

23. Calls to action. Calls to action are perhaps the most important aspect of marketing and advertising. After all, what good is any message or image if it doesn?t initiate an action that leads to a conversion? When developing a call to action, remember the four personality types and make use of available technologies to make compelling, interactive offers. You should have a unique call to action for each type of person who represents your customer base. For example ? Visit branding marketing and advertising agencies to learn more about successful branding and to request a free evaluation of the effectiveness of your home pages.

Scott C. Margenau is president of ImageWorks Studio, an award-winning marketing, branding and advertisng firm specializing in online and off-line media. Visit for more info.
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Monday, June 15, 2009

The How And Why Of Buying Traffic For Your Website

Need more traffic on your website? You may want to consider buying it. When you buy traffic, you are almost guaranteed to get traffic. Many of the services that dedicate their businesses to building traffic for other websites offer a guaranteed number of visitors on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis, making this one of these easiest and fastest ways to get traffic on your website.

If you have never heard of buying traffic before, or if you want to learn more about how it works, here are some frequently asked questions in regards to traffic buying that can help.

What Kind of Businesses Buy Traffic? Buying web traffic is not necessarily a new Internet marketing concept. In fact, there are many online businesses that have been doing it for years. Though many of these companies are established already, they are not the only types of businesses who use such services. Sometimes the only way that a new, unknown site can get traffic to their website is by buying it. Competing with large sites is tough, and sometimes, search engine optimization techniques aren't enough to boost a new site's rankings in the search engines.

Where Can You Get Traffic? There are many online services that sell website traffic. To find a sampling, simply type buy traffic or get traffic into any Internet search engine. You will be faced with so many different options that you will have a hard time choosing which service to go with.

If you are looking for referrals, consider visiting forums that have members who are online business owners or web developers. Many of the people who post in these forums may have already used one or two traffic building companies. In most cases, they will be able to offer you information on their experiences.

If you are unable to get a referral, don't base your decision on cost alone. There may or may not be a difference between a traffic building service that offers 10,000 visitors per month for $20.00 and one that offers 10,000 for $30.00. Always inquire about services, as well as costs. Good questions to ask include:

How do you bring traffic to my website? Do you ever use spamming techniques? What type of traffic will be targeted: specific countries, specific languages, etc? Can you guarantee that I will get traffic? Will you provide me with stats? Do you offer customer support? How much will you charge me if I want to buy traffic? Why is your service better than others?

Where Do Visitors Come From? When you buy traffic, most of the visitors you get will be from banner ads, pop-ups, pop-unders, and layers ads. The ads are placed all around the net. When a web visitor clicks on the ad, they will be taken directly to your website.

Is Traffic Guaranteed? This is a tough question to answer because it depends on the service that you use to buy traffic. Some services guarantee that you will get traffic and others do not. Even if they do guarantee traffic, they cannot guarantee sales. They cannot even guarantee that when you get traffic, it will stay on your site for more than one second.

This is very important to remember when deciding whether or not to buy
traffic. Whatever you decide to do, make sure to track your traffic, your sales, and your overall results. Once you have analyzed everything, you will be able to easily determine if buying traffic to get traffic is in your best interests.

Cliff Posey, owner of CRP Marketing, owns and operates web business tools online. Cliff Posey has also operated several other successful web businesses including Love Song Cards and Radio Career Consultants. The content in this article was developed from his experience in these businesses.
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3 Fastest Ways To Get Traffic To Any Website

After all the debate over website design, shopping carts and credit card processors, every website owner eventually comes to the startling realization that they need one more thing to survive - website traffic!

Without website traffic it's the same as building an expensive billboard and, instead of placing it alongside a busy highway, hiding it in your *basement* where nobody can see it.

Upon realizing they need traffic, most website owners run out and start blowing chunks of money and time trying to get "hits," but they fail to grasp that there are really only three (3) reliable ways to get traffic to any website.

Method #1 - Buy Traffic Currently, the fastest way to get traffic to any website involves using the little classified ads on the right side of search giant Google's results pages.

Called Google AdWords, the system allows any advertiser to open an account with a $5 activation fee and start seeing their ads appear on Google within about 15 minutes.

Advertisers only pay when visitors actually click through from their ad on Google to their website or affiliate link. also sells traffic by the click, but they make you wait three to five days to go through their editorial review process before allowing ads to appear on their network.

You can also buy advertising on dozens of other pay-per-click search engines.

They all follow the same basic model of only charging advertisers for targeted visitors who read an ad based on a keyword search and decide to click through for more information.

Log on to for a list of over 600 choices ranked by market penetration.

A word to the wise on pay-per-click advertising: Watch your costs and track and measure everything. Even though you can get traffic for as little as a penny, you should track your results by search engine and by individual keyword if you want maximum success.

Many a company has lost its entire advertising budget paying only a nickel or a dime per click, but not watching their conversion rates and pouring money into keywords that don't convert... while neglecting the keywords that do bring sales (mainly because they don't know which is which!).

Method #2 - Borrow Traffic If you need traffic to a website, then borrow it from people who already have it... especially people with lists of loyal subscribers or traffic from search engines, affiliates, or other steady sources.

"Endorsed Mailings" and "Reciprocal Linking" by other people represent the two fastest ways to borrow someone else's traffic.

If they maintain a list of subscribers, convince them to send an email out to their people telling them why they should check out your site.

Also, negotiate a prominent link on their web pages to siphon off targeted visitors who find their website.

Often the best way to persuade someone to do this involves paying them a commission, agreeing to do a similar mailing, or providing a link to them on your site (or a combination of all three).

Imagine how much traffic you could get if someone with a list of 10,000 loyal subscribers told their people to go look at your website!

Method #3 Recycle Traffic The most economical way to get traffic involves turning one-time visitors into regular, repeat visitors that you direct to multiple sites over time.

You do this by pulling website visitors into your sphere of influence by enticing them to sign up for your newsletter, autoresponder sequence, or "mini-course."

Then you keep in contact with regular articles, special reports, and recommendations enticing them to visit your own and other people's websites.

Ultimately, every website owner should orient all of their marketing efforts towards this end of developing a stream of recycled traffic, because it costs the least and creates the best return on time and money invested.

It doesn't matter if you promote your own product, promote only as an affiliate, or some combination of the two... if you don't recycle traffic and get more than one hit out of each visitor, you're making one of the biggest mistakes anyone can make online.

The Author

Jim Edwards is a syndicated newspaper columnist and the co-author of an amazing new ebook that will teach you how to use free articles to quickly drive thousands of targeted visitors to your website or affiliate links...

Need MORE TRAFFIC to your website or affiliate links? "Turn Words Into Traffic" reveals the secrets for driving Thousands of NEW visitors to your website or affiliate links... without spending a dime on advertising!
Click Here>
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