Monday, June 29, 2009

Secrets of Increased Website Traffic

Boost your traffic with insider tips. What are search engines looking for? In the beginning search engines were indeed very simple. It was all about keywords, now it is about so much more. Search engines got tired of being fooled by keyword stuffers.

Search engines have evolved over the years. Now it is much more difficult to fool those little spiders. If you want to achieve higher page rankings and get more traffic from the engines, give them what they are looking for "Real Content". Yes they are still looking for keywords, but don't over do it.

You can have just the right amount of keywords on a page. This is less than 1% of your main keyword for that page. For example, if your page had 200 words you should not use your main keyword for that page more than twice. Additionally, search engines will overlook pages with less than 125 words on it. They also give extra points if you use your main keyword in a text link.

Keep it real, search engines are looking for the most relevant content they can find about search term. Real information and lots of it, is like spider bait. Wiki the encyclopedia is a prime example of this. Have you ever wondered why Wiki shows up so often on so many searches? The answer is simple; they provide quality information and rank highly about many specific subjects.

Now that we understand the importance of content, it is equally important to understand the next biggie, human feed back. Yes, search engines have found a way to measure human reaction to your website. They measure how long a person stays at your site. The longer people stay, the better. If your site is crowded with advertising or flashing banners, more often than not, people leave in a hurry. If people find what they are looking for, they stay longer.

Human feedback is not limited to time spent however. The search engines want to see links. A link from a directory is a good link, because directories are human edited. It is in the best interest of the directory not to link to poor quality sites. If they accepted low quality sites, people would simply stop using their service.

So, directories are a good source of links. The more popular they are the more expensive they are, with the exception of DMOZ. The top directory, Yahoo, is the strongest link you can get and cost $299.00. But there are many that are quite reasonable and well respected directories to submit to.

Additionally, search engines are looking for out going links to other websites as well as inbound links coming from quality websites. More human feedback from other site owners is a stamp of approval. If you can achieve these things, the next step is turning your high traffic into profits.

In conclusion, Search Engines award traffic to those sites that make them look good to their advertisers. It is their job to provide the best quality and most relevant search results. If you give them what they want, you will get TRAFFIC!






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