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Friday, December 17, 2010

The Major Cause of Call Reluctance By Gail Goodman

In the financial services profession, it seems everyone agrees that there is such a thing as "call reluctance." Managers and trainers use this phrase when referring to specific behavior - i.e. someone not willing to get on the phone and schedule their appointments. When I ask managers and trainers "Why do you think your agents are avoiding the phone?" Nine times out of ten their answer will be "fear of rejection." If I ask a class of producers, I get the same answer. 
I disagree. Follow my line of thought: 

First, how can someone in sales be afraid of rejection? No one sells everybody they see, but yet, the morning after we don't make a sale, we wake up and go after the next sale. If we were truly afraid of rejections, then we wouldn't be in a sales career. Sales people have what I call a "rubber personality." Like a rubber ball, if you push us down, we bounce back up.

Second, and more importantly, I have seen many "call reluctant" people get on the phone after admitting in class that they were suffering from this malady. What happened? Usually, their rapid change in behavior and attitude came from being given a script that sounds more genuine to them. If you offer an advisor better words to get their message across - lo and behold - they get on the phone. It seems that being "call reluctant" is an easily changed behavior.

I think something else is going on. Let's talk about your average advisor. You probably have many advisors like this.

They're probably a pretty smart person. This industry requires a certain amount of "smarts" for initial admission.

They probably possess an out-going, people oriented personality - and genuinely like most people.

They most likely have strong verbal skills. Most sales people do. Advisors are great talkers and can engage all types of people in conversation.

We'll assume that they have faith in their ability to make their own success. People in a commission- only position have to possess this personality trait.
If you take an out-going, verbally adept, self-reliant person and put them in front of a phone and they think they will sound like blubbering idiot, they won't pick up the phone.

The answer to the problem is simple: Train people to do something before you ask them to do it.Too often there is an assumption of skill when we recruit smart, out-going, talkative people. Phoning requires good talkers. But that does not necessarily mean that our advisors know how to set an appointment.
It behooves every management team to provide a systematic, easy-to-understand way of training new recruits on the phone. Let me emphatically say that "Watch me" isn't a training methodology. Imagine my ski instructor doing the same thing. He takes me to the top of a big slope, I'm terrified, and all he does at my lesson is say "Watch me." And off he goes. Do you think I feel like I can ski? No, and neither do your new recruits. The ability to talk and be outgoing does not immediately translate into appointment setting phone skills.
"Call reluctance" is a product of insufficient training and supervision of this critical career breaking skill. As a manager, you are responsible to provide reasonable training to your new advisors, and as a new advisor, you must seek out on-going education to keep up with the changes that are required on the phone.
Thank you, Gail! Good insight. To me, this is all about confidence. In fact, all success in our life boils down to confidence. Generating referrals isn't rocket science - it's just a matter of confidence. Having the right words, the right process, and lots of practice builds confidence. And, of course, a little early success never hurts.
The same is true for calling prospects to set appointments. Providing the right training produces confidence in your advisors.

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3 Steps to Positive Word of Mouth

Here are few questions to think about as I lead into the topic for this issue of  this post:

  1. When your clients talk about you to others, what are they saying? Do you have any idea?
  2. Do your clients talk about you in glowing terms, neutral terms, or worse? (Hopefully glowing!)
  3. If they were asked to describe what you do or the types of people you serve the best, would they have an articulate answer?
  4. What about your Centers of Influence? Are they talking about you in a way that gets people excited about hearing from you?
  5. What does your word of mouth look like and can you have any control over it?
If you're uncertain what your word of mouth looks like, you're not alone. This is not a concept most people pay attention to. However, it is very important to your future success.
One of the reasons why you may not be receiving the quantity and quality of referrals you would like is because your clients don't really know how to talk about the work you do - and many also don't fully understand who your practice is geared towards these days.
Your chances of getting more and better referrals is greatly increased when you're clients know how to spread the good word about you. Here is a 3-step process to help you generate positive word of mouth and generate tons of new clients.

STEP #1 - Ask Your Clients What They Are Saying About You

For the next 2-3 months, every time you're sitting with a client (for whatever reason), say something like this, "George, my team and I are in the process of formulating some new marketing strategies. One aspect of this work is how we talk about the work we do, what we do, how we do it, who we do it for, what makes us different, etc. You can be a huge help to us. If you don't mind, I'd like to ask you four questions. I'm very curious about your answers. Okay?"
Of course, your words may be different, but you get the idea. Assuming they give you permission to proceed (which 99% of your clients will), here's the next part of this conversation:
"If you were talking about a friend, family member, or colleague about us and the work we do, how would you answer these questions?"
  1. "What do we do for our clients?"
  2. "How do we do this for our clients?"
  3. "Who do we do it for?"
  4. "What makes us different?"
Be prepared for a wide range of answers. Some of your clients will have no clue how to answer these questions. This will be a great wake-up call for you. And, some of your clients will surprise you with some very articulate answers and great verbiage you can use later.
Thank each client for candid answers and, in most cases, their kind words. After you do this for 2-3 months, move on to Step #2. (And yes, you can do this over the phone too - as long as your client has the time.)

STEP #2 - Formulate Your Desired Word of Mouth
  1. Sort through all the various responses you received from your clients. Capture the good stuff.
  2. Formulate your own responses to these questions. Read them out loud. Tighten them up until you have very clear and succinct answers.
  3. Get feedback from your staff, team members, and/or colleagues. Refine your answers.
  4. Get feedback from others in your life - friends, family, and a few select clients.
STEP #3 - Communicate it to Your Clients

Now that you have clear and succinct answers, let all your clients (or at least your 'A' clients) know your answers. Teach your clients how to describe your business. You can do this verbally over the phone or in person. You can also communicate this process to your clients in a letter.
You can say something like, "Over the past several months, many of you know that my team has been working on some marketing strategies. We asked some of our clients to help us think about how we describe our business to others.
"I'm taking the time to tell you about this because there may come time when you identify others whom you think should know about the important work we do. And when those times occur, we want you to be able to describe our value with clarity and confidence."
Then you tell them, or show them, the final answers to these four questions. I put final in italics because this is an evolutionary process. As your business changes, so will the way you (and your clients) talk about it.

It's a good idea to bring your Centers of Influence in on this process. They, too, need to know how to talk about you in a clear, succinct, and confident manner.
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Refining Your Referral Language

Step One - V - Value Discussion

With the theme being "transitions," I should talk about getting the value discussion started - transitioning from another item on the agenda.
In review meetings with established clients, here's my favorite language: "Let's put the economy aside for a minute. Let's put the market aside for a minute. Let's talk about something we can control - namely - our communication and our relationship. Is there anything you feel we can improve upon in this regard?" Discuss "What has been working? In what area do you believe our relationship has been most valuable to you?" (Alternate: "How have we earned your loyalty over the years?")
At the delivery of a plan or policy: "We've been through an important process, have we not? I've asked you a lot of questions. You've been very forthcoming with the answers. And here are the fruits of our labor. Tell me the value you feel you've gotten from the process."

Step Two - I - Treat the Request with Importance

The transition from the value discussion to the request of referrals is where the most people seem to get stuck. It need not be difficult and, again, any difficulty is usually the result of not writing out a script and/or not practicing enough.
Here are 3 possible transitional phrases. I'm certain there are many more possibilities.
  • "I'm glad you see the value in the work we've done, with that in mind, I have an important question to ask you."
  • "I'm glad our relationship is on solid ground, and because of this, I have an important question to ask you."
  • "That's nice to hear. Thank you. I have an important question to ask you and wanted to make sure that I have a happy client.
Step Three - P - Permission to Brainstorm

There really isn't a transition from the I to the P. It's pretty much a straight course.
"I'm glad you see the value in the work we've been doing. Because of that, I have an important question to ask you. I was hoping we could brainstorm a bit to see if we can identify some people you care about who should know about the important work I do. Can we try that for a little bit?"
"I'm glad our relationship is on solid ground. Because of this, I have an important question to ask you. Let's put our heads together to see if we can identify some folks you think should know about the work I do. In fact, I've identified two people in your life, for whom I might be a great resource. Can I run them by you to see what you think?"
Many variations for this conversation. Find the words that feel comfortable for you.

Step Four - S - Suggest Names & Categories

There's not much transition needed here, but here are a couple of possible scenarios.
Assuming they said "yes" to our request to brainstorm or explore. . .
"Well, We're just brainstorming here, no pressure. Let's start with a couple of your family members you mentioned during our last meeting . . . "
"Great. I wanted to run by you a few categories of people we do some important work for - just to help trigger your thinking a little. For instance, we often do some very important work for people who are changing jobs - or recently changed - say in the last year or so. Who comes to mind?"
So that's it. Some language you might find helpful as you craft your own scripts.
Remember! Once you write out your script, practice, practice, practice. Amateurs practice until they get it right. Masters practice until they can't get it wrong!
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Getting Your Prospects to Return Your Calls

Getting prospects to return your calls is one of the most frustrating problems we experience. We can be 90% sure a deal will close in the next week and suddenly, silence. If you keep calling, you appear desperate and annoying, so what do you do?

Before you drive yourself completely crazy, take solace in the fact your competition faces the same problem. However, that alone won't pay the bills. Before exploring some tactics that will help you get your calls returned, first ask yourself, "Why don't prospects return my calls?"
Here are some of the more common reasons prospects don't return calls:
Fear - Most people don't like confrontation. They would rather completely avoid you, than deliver you bad news.
Too Busy - Prospects are bombarded by calls every day. Even though returning your call may only take 5 minutes, the thought of having to talk with a sales person when they have nothing new for you and a pile of work on their desk can seem like an hour. In addition, if they have 10 similar calls that day, it will take an hour.
Lack Urgency - If their problem hasn't reached their pain threshold, they will lack a sense of                  urgency to fix it. Without pain, their problem isn't a high priority.

No Value - If you are leaving messages that don't provide additional value or a specific reason for them to call you back, there is no point for them to call you. "I'm just calling to see if you got my brochure (or made a decision)," won't stimulate someone to return your call.

How do you get people to call you back?

Your first action with your prospect is to establish the ground rules and expectations. Your prospect needs to know it is okay to say, "No."
For example: "Mr. or Ms. Prospect, I appreciate the opportunity to speak with you. At the end of today's meeting, my goal is for us to establish if my product or service is a good fit for you and your company.
In order to do this, I'd like to ask you some questions, so I better understand your business. Are you okay with this?

If at any time during our conversation today or future conversations it becomes clear to you that we aren't a good fit, or you decide to go in a different direction, are you comfortable with telling me, "No"?
In addition, if at some time I need you to return a call or reply to an email for additional information or to determine what you want next, which method do you prefer? Great, let's get started."
By doing this, you are laying the ground rules. If they don't return your calls, politely remind them of this conversation. This doesn't mean you email or call them every other day. Give them an opportunity to respond.
I suggest at least 4 business days between contacts.

Let's say, you've laid the ground work, and your calls still aren't returned. Here are some specific techniques you can do to reach your prospect:

Use Email: Many times if a prospect can't be reached over the phone, an email is your best alternative. I'll often include the following in the Subject Line: John, regarding your request about . .

Fall on Your Sword: Don't come across as upset or demanding. Take the opposite approach: "Mr. or Ms. Prospect, unfortunately we've been unable to connect, and I'm starting to feel like I'm becoming an annoyance. I certainly don't want to be a pain in your side, but I'm feeling like your situation has changed. 

Please let me know what's changed, and how I should best follow up with you." This politely lets them know they haven't returned your calls, and they appreciate your graciousness.

Contact the Receptionist or Assistant: That's right, call the receptionist. Let them know you have had trouble connecting. See if your prospect has been out of town. They may even have information that sheds light on the situation. You may uncover some important internal politics or changes that are happening.

Fire Your Contact: If everything else has failed, it's time to fish or cut bait. Reach out one last time, to inform them you are throwing away their file. Believe it or not, this will get some people to realize it's time to make a decision. If it doesn't work, walk away knowing you're better off spending time with real prospects.

One final thought. Sometimes deals fall through. In this case, the best thing you can do is to build top of mind awareness. Create your own drip marketing campaign, so when someone is prepared to move forward, you are at the top of their list.
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7 Simple Referral Tips by Bill Cates

Host a Wii Party

One Boot Camp participant told us about very successful client (bring-a-friend) event. She hired a party planner to help her put together a Wii party. She had 6 stations in a private room in a local pub. She said that all her clients had a blast playing Wii tennis, baseball, bowling, etc, without their children making fun of them. This event has already yielded 4 new clients with several more possible.

Help Clients Promote their Business

Another Boot Camp participant told us about an event where she hosted a party at her home for many of her small business clients (and salespeople, etc.). The purpose of this event was to introduce them all to each other to see what alliances or even direct business might be generated. Her clients were invited to bring their promotional literature and promotion products (chachkies). When you give referrals like this, referrals tend to come back to you.

The Power of Scarce Resources

Here is an age-old marketing strategy. How you can apply it to your business? One of the Boot Camp attendees told us about a remarkable phenomenon that happened to her in 2008. When the stock market was tanking, she informed her clients that, for the time being, she could not take on any new clients. She wanted to focus on helping all her current clients get through this tough period. Her phone began ringing off the hook! "I need you to work with my parents!" "My business partner was about to call you." "Can't you take one more?"
Limiting her resources created more demand. How can you apply this to your practice? Are you allowed to put "by referral only" on your business card? Can you tell your clients that you only have X number of slots available this year for new clients? Can you tell them that you need to be very careful how many and what types of clients you choose to serve so that you continue to bring them a high level of service? Brainstorm this with your team and/or some of your colleagues.

Creative Centers of Influence

One advisor at the Boot Camp has tapped into Executive Recruiters as a great source of high-quality referrals. When people are changing jobs, they probably need you! You can meet these folks through your client base and by going to chamber of commerce events and other business events. You can also find them through internet searches, but I always recommend relationship-based methodologies first.

Keep Finding Ways to Bring Value

You've heard me harp on the necessity to always find ways to bring more value to your clients - to become an indispensable resource. A resource that came out of the Boot Camp was the website (this site is f-r- e-e). I'm not endorsing this site, per se. You should check it out before you recommend it. The point is, you can help your clients in all aspects of their financial lives through the work of others. Look for other types of advisors, books, and websites that you can refer to your clients to help them with financial matters you don't handle directly.

Business Friendships Create Loyalty and Referrals

Here are a few websites that will help you work on your business friendships with your clients. allows you to enter all your clients birthdays and then will remind you when it's time to send a card. will do this too, but allows you to send out a real paper card for all sorts of occasions. At you can put in the date of a client's birthday (or their child's birthday) and come up with all sorts of fun and interesting information. For instance, the year I was born bread cost $0.16 a loaf and gas was only $0.27 per gallon. You will have to figure out what year that was.

How do you want your clients to feel about doing business with you?

As you continually work on your client-service model to provide your clients with the best possible service and build the best possible relationships, keep this thought in mind, "How do I want my clients to feel about doing business with me/us?" By you and your team asking this question every step along the way, you will be more creative and more client focused. Then, translate the answers to this question into specific action steps, items on your check lists, etc.
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Referral Study Groups That Produce Results

By Bill Cates

I just delivered a full-day referral program to a financial company in Atlanta. Right after lunch, before I was to resume the program, the leader of the firm challenged the 60 people in the room to take referral generation to the next level. She announced the formation of a 15 member Referral Study Group. She told the group that only people who attended my session were eligible to be a part of the group. She told them that while the group was limited to 15 people, she wouldn not necessarily pick 15 people. She stated that she intended to interview each applicant for group - to make sure they belonged.
I think creating this "exclusive group" is a brilliant move on her part. It brings out the competitive nature in her advisors, so they want to prove they belong.
She and I discussed what criteria she would use to decide who could join this elite Referral Study Group. Here are a few of the things we decided:
  1. Hungry for new clients - everyone in this group needs to be in a growth mode.
  2. Evidence they will implement - if an advisor has signed up for other initiatives in the past, but did not take the action necessary to produce results, she probably wouldn' t let them in this group.
  3. Evidence of referability - to take full advantage of this Referral Study Group, the advisors needed to be referable. What's the point of getting them to be more proactive for referrals if they aren't highly referable? One barometer of their referability is that they are getting some referrals without asking for them.
  4. Equal level of commitment - she wants to make sure everyone in the group starts with a high level of sustainable energy and commitment to acquiring more clients through referrals.

After my presentation, she told me that she already had enough people to form the group, but still intended on being picky. She only has so much time to devote to such a group and needed to make sure this initiative would be well worth everyone's time.
With this as the backdrop, here are a few thoughts about how to make your Referral Study Groups a success (or study group for any initiative).

Shared Commitment to Results

It is critical that every member of the group have a high- level commitment to producing results. With this, comes a high-level of commitment to stepping out of one's comfort zone. While it's not always easy to measure this, you must do your best. One thing that might help is to tell them that "quitting the group is not an option." Set the group to run about 6 months; meeting attendance is mandatory; and quitting is not an option. These three simple rules may help you separate the wheat from the chaff.

Practice and Coaching

One of the prime activities of a Referral Study Group is practice; role play; drill for skill - whatever you want to call it. I've been teaching my referral system for over 14 years and one of the critical post-training activities necessary to produce results is practice. Advisors need to write out their scripts and practice, practice, practice. Asking for referrals is not rocket science, it's all about confidence. The road to confidence is paved with practice.

Keep Finding Ways to Bring Value

You've heard me harp on the necessity to always find ways to bring more value to your clients - to become an indispensable resource. A resource that came out of the Boot Camp was the website (this site is f-r- e-e). I'm not endorsing this site, per se. You should check it out before you recommend it. The point is, you can help your clients in all aspects of their financial lives through the work of others. Look for other types of advisors, books, and websites that you can refer to your clients to help them with financial matters you don't handle directly.

Business Friendships Create Loyalty and Referrals

Here are a few websites that will help you work on your business friendships with your clients. allows you to enter all your clients birthdays and then will remind you when it's time to send a card. will do this too, but allows you to send out a real paper card for all sorts of occasions. At you can put in the date of a client's birthday (or their child's birthday) and come up with all sorts of fun and interesting information. For instance, the year I was born bread cost $0.16 a loaf and gas was only $0.27 per gallon. You will have to figure out what year that was.

How do you want your clients to feel about doing business with you?

As you continually work on your client-service model to provide your clients with the best possible service and build the best possible relationships, keep this thought in mind, "How do I want my clients to feel about doing business with me/us?" By you and your team asking this question every step along the way, you will be more creative and more client focused. Then, translate the answers to this question into specific action steps, items on your check lists, etc.
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5 Referral Killers

Here are 5 surefire ways to kill (or at least diminish) your chances for getting referrals from prospects, clients, and Centers of Influence. If you have been following my work for some time, you have probably already heard me address these issues in one form or another. I hope you find this issue to be a very helpful reminder.

Not Being Referable

We have to start here. You will never get referrals from anybody if you're not referable in their eyes. It is a big mistake to assuming referability. Just because someone knows you and likes you, doesn't mean they will give you referrals. Just because someone understands the value you bring, doesn't mean they will refer you. 
The three key elements of referability are Value, Trust, and Likeability. People will only give you referrals if they understand your value proposition, trust how you will handle the people they refer to you, and like you. Remove one of those factors and referability goes down dramatically - practically to zero. 
Become a master at articulating your value. (Checkout the work of Leo Pusateri:www.PusateriConsulting.comTeach your prospects and clients that you handle referrals with great care and confidentiality. Build business friendships. Build relationships that go beyond the core reason that brought you together in the first place.

Just Looking to Make the Sale

It is very rare for a product to make you referable. Okay, there are exceptions to this rule, but you are always better off making the referral about the value of your process and/or your client-service promise.
This is why you must always think in terms of "leading with value." Make every appointment with every prospect and client about bringing more value. You see, if you just try to make the sale, you will certainly make some sales. However, you will be doing it in a way that doesn't make you referable right away. It can take years to become referable in a transactionally-based business. 
When you lead with value, not only do you make the sale, you do so in a way that builds referability quickly in a new relationship.

Making Referrals All About You

Whenever you talk to people about referrals, is the conversation about you or about the people you want to help? Do you say things like, "I'm trying to build my business and I can use your help" or "I build my business with referrals"?
Instead, make getting referrals about the value you bring to others through the products, services, and relationships.
Try saying, "Let's identify some people you care about who might value the type of work I do." Or, "Let's bring this important work I do to others."
If you believe in the work you do, how can you not want to bring your value to others (through referrals)? And when you come from a place of service to others, you are always on safe ground.

Not Coming Prepared

One of the least effective ways to ask for referrals is to leave it all up to your prospects and clients to figure out who they might introduce to you. It is much more effective to make the referral conversation a collaborative process - a brainstorming session.
From the minute you meet a prospect, start to pay attention to who they know. Be genuinely curious about others and with whom they are connected. Even in a short period time, you can often identify several candidates for introductions. You should always be prepared to suggest various categories of people for whom do you valuable work. I call them "trigger questions" such as people changing jobs, buying a home, etc, and "money-in-motion questions" such as a divorce settlement or inheritance.
Coming prepared for this conversation will do two things:
  1. You will feel more confident in your request when you know where you want the conversation to go.
  2. Your conversation will be more productive.
Instead of them drawing a blank and saying, "Let me give it some thought," you can say, I've identified a few people for whom I believe I can be an important resource, and I'd like to run them by you to see if you would be willing to put in good word for me.

Busting Referral T.R.U.S.T.

Once someone gives you a referral, how you receive that referral will either increase or decrease the chances of getting more referrals from that source. Here are five habits you must establish to ensure you increase the likelihood of getting more referrals:
T - Treat the new prospect like royalty. Whether they become a client or not, you want your referral source to receive positive feedback about you.
R- Respond immediately to referrals. Referrals have a short shelf-life. When someone gives you a referral, they expect you to act on it quickly.
U - Update your referral source along the way. Let them know that you are following the referral to its logical conclusion.
S - Say "thank you" to the referral source. Send a handwritten note. Send a small give if you feel inclined and your compliance department says it's okay.
T - Get the new client to thank the referral source. It is great for you to thank the source, but when your new client thanks them, that builds Referral T.R.U.S.T.
Remember, for people to give you referrals, they have to understand your value proposition, trust how you will handle the referrals they send your way and like you.

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Saturday, December 11, 2010

Build auto blogs

AutoBlog Samurai is the first and only blogging software that helps you build multiple revenue streams online with a few clicks of the mouse.

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Now with the AutoBlog Samurai software you can create 10, 50 or even 100 profitable money generating blogs that can each generate $1 to $100 a day in record time!

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How The Software Works -

So now that you know the power of blogging, you might be wondering, how does AutoBlog Samurai generate money from the blogs you create with the software.

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Cutting Edge Features -

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Wave good bye to all the ebooks, expensive manuals and software tools that just automate one part of your business. With AutoBlog Samurai you have an all-in-one solution that can control blogging, niche research, traffic generation and list building, all under one easy to use platform.

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Special Limited ‘Early Bird’ Discount -

Our beta testers and customers from around the world are already raving about the software due to its incredible proven potential and flexibility. This is your opportunity to grab this breakthrough technology at a very special introductory launch discount. Click here.
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