Thursday, May 28, 2009

How To Increase Traffic To Your Hubpages!

When I joined the HubPages long back, I didn't have any clue to how to bring people to read my articles. Slowly I learned how to do that by emailing friends and posting links in digg, reddit, and which was readily available at Hubpages then. But even then the traffic was so slow! I had only about a few hundred visitors in the first 5 weeks or so.

You can say that I was more than disappointed with that! Then I noticed a pattern emerging from the statistics for Hubs. Most of the traffic were coming from various google domains! Although there was a slight increase in traffic, still it wasn't much. Now I have nearly 3,000,000 visitors for all my published hubs. The lion's share of the visitors are from search engines. In fact I published one hub thanking all my fellow hubbers for making it possible.

3,000,000visitors! I am happy for reaching this landmark!!

It was then I discovered the potential of Social Boomarking. After some research I've found hundreds of sites offering bookmarking services for free! I decided to test a few sites. And my traffic improved considerably. I started bookmarking with more and more sites. Now I am in my 18th month at The Hubpages. And my statistics shows nearly 3,000,000 hits. I am really happy now, that my strategy regarding bringing visitors to The Hubpages is paying off, as my adsense account has also been doing well.






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